Bouncing balls turn into music

Arpie is a novel musical app that allows anyone to enjoy music. Put balls as many as you like, then watch them playing a beautiful melody. Higher balls hit the keys with long pauses, and lower ones hit them fast and repeatedly. By combining them, you can easily create a wide variety of musical sequences.

Arpie (アルピー)は誰でも簡単に楽しめる音楽アプリです。操作方法は簡単、画面をタッチしてボールを置くだけ。跳ね回るボールが素敵な音楽を奏でるのを楽しんでください。高いボールは長い間隔で、低いボールは短い間隔でキーを叩きます。これらを組み合わせることで様々なリズムを作り出すことができます。

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